My Work
This is where all of my notes, papers, and more will be posted! You can find everything on this page from deriving the formula of the determinant to complete lectures notes in differential geometry. These papers may still have typos and/or other miscellaneous errors in them. If you think you spot any, please let me know! All papers here were typed using LaTeX.

March, 2024 - Selected Problems From Rudin's Book
I did these problems as a part of my midterm for my independent study in real analysis class (MAA 4906). Here you can find problems from chapters 1-5 of Rudin's "Principles of Mathematical Analysis."
July, 2023 - A Very Circular Integral
Here we calculate the integral of a function on the unit circle. We'll use some basic geometry with little to no calculus!

February, 2023 - Euler's Formula: A Group Theoretic Approach
Euler's formula is often called "the most beautiful formula." Personally, I think it's a little overrated, but given its importance in physics, engineering, and pure math, this paper aimed to derive Euler's formula with group theory. Unfortunately, it was never finished. One day I hope to come back and redo the paper and give it the justice it deserves!
January, 2023 - Rules of Matrix Multiplication: A Computational Derivation
Matrix multiplication is often shrouded in mystery as a computational nightmare with no meaning. It turns out though that this algebraic operation has deep geometric meaning. We'll explore this using the language of linear algebra and discover what matrix multiplication truly means!